An application of grand Furuta inequality to a type of operator equation

  • Authors

    • Jian Shi Hebei University
  • The existence of positive semidefinite solutions ofthe operator equation $\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{n}A^{n-j}XA^{j-1}=Y$ is investigated by applying grand Furuta inequality. If there  exists positive semidefinite solutions of the operator equation, one of the special types of Y is obtained, which extends the related result before. Finally, an example is given based on our result.

    Keywords: grand Furuta inequality, operator equation, matrix equation, positive semidefinite operator.

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  • How to Cite

    Shi, J. (2014). An application of grand Furuta inequality to a type of operator equation. Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2(4), 281-285.