Efficiency of bank crediting of real sector of economy in the context of separate banking groups: an empirical example from Ukraine

  • Authors

    • Vyacheslav Lyashenko The chief of the laboratory “Transfer of Information Technologies in the risk reduction systems” Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE, Kharkov, Ukraine)
  • Abstract

    Crediting is one of the basic directions of activity of banks. It is connected with that realisation of credit transactions should be considered as a defining component of bank management. According to this defining component each separate bank will organise loan of resources and their subsequent arrangement on proper conditions and on proper risk. Thus possibilities and the expediency of crediting are defined by a bank size in many respects. At the same time development of real sector of economy allows to speak about competitiveness, both individual industries of economy and the country as a whole. Hence, the efficiency of bank crediting of real sector of economy in the context of separate banking groups on example of Ukraine is investigated in this work. The given research is carried out with use of SFA methodology. There is also revealed the correlation between volumes of crediting of real sector of economy and efficiency of such crediting for separate banking groups. There was made the conclusion about necessity of balanced use of real resources of banks for growth of crediting efficiency.

    Keywords: Modelling, Efficiency, Bank Crediting, Real Sector Of Economy, Stochastic Boundary Of Efficiency.

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  • How to Cite

    Lyashenko, V. (2014). Efficiency of bank crediting of real sector of economy in the context of separate banking groups: an empirical example from Ukraine. International Journal of Accounting and Economics Studies, 2(2), 74-79. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijaes.v2i2.3064

    Received date: 2014-06-24

    Accepted date: 2014-07-26

    Published date: 2014-07-30