Constant-stress partially accelerated life tests for inverted Weibull distribution with multiple censored data

  • Authors

    • Amal S. Hassan Institue of Statistical Studies & Resarch, Cairo University
    • Salwa M. Assar
    • Ahmed N. Zaky
  • Constant Stress, Inverted Weibull Distribution, Multiple Censored Data, Partially Accelerated Life Test, Fisher Information Matrix.
  • Abstract

    Testing the lifetime of items under normal use condition often requires a long period of time, especially for products having high reliability. To minimize the costs involved in testing without reducing the quality of the data obtained, the items run at higher than usual level of stresses to induce early failures in a short time. This article concerns with constant–stress partially accelerated life test with multiple censored data. The life time of test item is assumed to follow inverted Weibull distribution. Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained for the model parameters and acceleration factor. In addition, asymptotic variance and covariance matrix of the estimators is given. The confidence intervals of the unknown parameters and acceleration factor are constructed for large sample sizes. Simulation studies are performed to investigate the performance of the estimators.

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  • Received date: 2015-02-27

    Accepted date: 2015-03-24

    Published date: 2015-04-25