Nonparametric Prediction Intervals of generalized order statistics from two independent sequences

  • Authors

    • Mostafa Mohie El-Din Azhar university
    • Walid Emam BUE university
  • Prediction intervals, Generalized order statistics, Coverage probability, Confidence intervals, Two-sample prediction.
  • Abstract

    This paper, discusses the problem of predicting future a generalized order statistic of an iid sequence sample was drawn from an arbitrary unknown distribution, based on observed also generalized order statistics from the same population. The coverage probabilities of these prediction intervals are exact and free of the parent distribution F(). Prediction formulas of ordinary order statistics and upper record values are extracted as special cases from the productive results. Finally, numerical computations on several models of ordered random variables are given to illustrate the proposed procedures.

  • References

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  • Received date: 2016-02-16

    Accepted date: 2016-03-13

    Published date: 2016-03-31