Pharmacokinetics of clarithromycin after single intravenous and intracrop bolus administrations to broiler chickens
Broiler, Chicken, Clarithromycin, Intracrop, Intravenous, Pharmacokinetics. -
The pharmacokinetics of clarithromycin at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg body weight was evaluated after single intravenous (i.v.) and intracrop (i.c.) bolus administrations in broilers. An HPLC assay using pure clarithromycin base as a standard was used to measure its concentrations in plasma. Following an i.v. bolus injection, the plasma concentration-time curves of clarithromycin were best represented by two-compartment open models. The drug was rapidly distributed and moderately eliminated with half-lives of distribution (t1/2α) and elimination (t1/2β) of 0.38 and 4.58 h, respectively. The volume of distribution was large with (Vdss) value of 6.89 L. The total body clearance (ClB) was 1.2 L/h. After i.c. bolus administration of the same dose, clarithromycin was moderately absorbed in broilers with an intermediate absorption half-life (T½ab) of 0.72 h with peak plasma concentration (Cmax) of 1.69 μg/ml attained at 1.7 h (Tmax) and systemic bioavailability of 66.54%. The elimination half-life following i.c. administration was 2.11 h. The extent of plasma protein binding percent was 52%. The study recommends the use of clarithromycin in broilers because of its good pharmacokinetic profile indicated by good absorption, bioavailability and plasma concentrations ≥ MICs of many sensitive microorganisms.
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How to Cite
AwadAllah, H., Awidat, S., & El-Mahmoudy, A. (2016). Pharmacokinetics of clarithromycin after single intravenous and intracrop bolus administrations to broiler chickens. International Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 4(1), 12-18. date: 2016-02-08
Accepted date: 2016-03-01
Published date: 2016-03-11