Morphological and Otsu’s Thresholding-Based Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation for Detection of Retinopathy

  • Authors

    • Kuryati Kipli
    • Cripen Jiris
    • Siti Kudnie Sahari
    • Rohan Sapawi
    • Nazreen Junaidi
    • Marini Sawawi
    • Kismet Hong Ping
    • Tengku Mohd Afendi Zulcaffle
  • Detection, Morphological, Retinal blood vessels, Retinopathy, Segmentation, Thresholding.
  • Abstract

    Retinal blood vessel segmentation is crucial as it is the earliest process in measuring various indicators of retinopathy sign such as arterial-venous nicking, and focal arteriolar and generalized arteriolar narrowing. The segmentation can be clinically used if its accuracy is close to 100%. In this study, a new method of segmentation is developed for extraction of retinal blood vessel. In this paper, we present a new automated method to extract blood vessels in retinal fundus images. The proposed method comprises of two main parts and a few subcomponents which include pre-processing and segmentation. The main focus for the segmentation part is two morphological reconstructions which are the morphological reconstructions followed by the morphological top-hat transform. Then the technique to classify the vessel pixels and background pixels is Otsu’s Thresholding. The image database used in this study is the High Resolution Fundus Image Database (HRFID). The developed segmentation method accuracies are 95.17%, 92.06% and 94.71% when tested on dataset of healthy, diabetic retinopathy (DR) and glaucoma patients respectively. Overall, the performance of the proposed method is comparable with existing methods with overall accuracies were more than 90 % for all three different categories: healthy, DR and glaucoma.


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  • How to Cite

    Kipli, K., Jiris, C., Kudnie Sahari, S., Sapawi, R., Junaidi, N., Sawawi, M., Hong Ping, K., & Mohd Afendi Zulcaffle, T. (2018). Morphological and Otsu’s Thresholding-Based Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation for Detection of Retinopathy. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.18), 16-20.

    Received date: 2018-08-01

    Accepted date: 2018-08-01

    Published date: 2018-08-02