The examination of the quotient of numerical semigroup with RF-matrices

  • Authors

    • Belgin Özer gaziantep university
    • Fatima Dakkak gaziantep university
  • Quotient of A Numerical Semigroup, Pseudo-Frobenious Number, RF (Row Factorization) Matrices.
  • In this paper, we study quotients of a numerical semigroups with RF (Row-Factorization) matrices. We prove a formula for the Frobenious number of quotients of some families of numerical semigroups. Moreover, we examine half of the numerical semigroups, pseudo-symmetric numerical semigroups.

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  • How to Cite

    Özer, B., & Dakkak, F. (2022). The examination of the quotient of numerical semigroup with RF-matrices. Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 10(1), 1-6.