Power convexity of a class of Hessian equations in the ball

  • Authors

    • Yunhua Ye Jia Ying University
  • Admissible solution, Hessian equations, Power convexity, Strict convexity.
  • Abstract

    Power convexities of a class of Hessian equations are considered in this paper. It is proved that some power functions of the smooth admissible solutions to the Hessian equations are strictly convex in the ball. For a special case of the equation, a lower bound principal curvature and Gaussian curvature estimates are given.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Ye, Y. (2015). Power convexity of a class of Hessian equations in the ball. Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 3(3), 134-139. https://doi.org/10.14419/gjma.v3i3.5096

    Received date: 2015-07-21

    Accepted date: 2015-08-23

    Published date: 2015-08-24