A New Hilbert-type integral inequality with a non-homogeneous kernel and its extension
2016-03-31 https://doi.org/10.14419/gjma.v4i3.5608 -
Some parameters, Hilbert-Type Integral Inequality, Best value, Extension. -
By introducing some parameters , using the weight function and the technique of real analysis, a new  Hilbert-type integral inequality with a non-homogeneous kernel as \(\frac{1}{|1-axy|^{\lambda_2}}(a\geq1)\) and its equivalent form are established. As application, the constant factor on the plane is the best value and its extension form with some parameters is also considered. -
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How to Cite
Wu, W. (2016). A New Hilbert-type integral inequality with a non-homogeneous kernel and its extension. Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 4(3), 10-11. https://doi.org/10.14419/gjma.v4i3.5608Received date: 2015-12-06
Accepted date: 2016-01-03
Published date: 2016-03-31