Proximate, minerals and anti-nutritional composition of daniellia oliveri (maje) tender leaves
Daniellia Oliveri, Tender Leaves, Food, Mineral, Oxalate, Phytate. -
The Nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of tender leaves of Daniellia oliveri were analyzed in this study. The results of the proximate analysis were as follows, moisture content (78.67±2.31%), ash (4.67±0.29%), crude lipid (2.67±0.29%), crude protein (7.23±0.13%), crude fibre (2.33±0.29%), available carbohydrate (4.43±2.59%) and the energy value (70.67±12.45 kJ/kg). In elemental analysis, potassium has the highest concentration (3766.67±57.74 mg/100g), zinc (0.1502±0.00020 mg/100 g) is the lowest and lead (0.2352±0.00015 mg/100g). The anti-nutritional parameters analyzed includes; phytate (6.7592 mg/100g), oxalate (0.0023mg/100g), saponin (1.20mg/100g), tannin (430.80mg/100 g), hydrocyanic acid (122.73 mg/100g). The anti-nutrients to nutrients ratio show the bioavailability of some essential minerals, with the exception of [cyanides] and [tannin] in the tender leaves. These reach significant levels and are expected to reduce bioavailability of iron, magnesium and zinc in tender leaves.
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How to Cite
Muhammad, A., Umar Birnin-Yauri, A., Moki Elinge, C., & Rapheal Ige, A. (2022). Proximate, minerals and anti-nutritional composition of daniellia oliveri (maje) tender leaves. International Journal of Advanced Chemistry, 10(1), 24-28. date: 2022-04-22
Accepted date: 2022-05-16
Published date: 2022-06-07