The mediating role of human capital on the relationship between audit firm size and independent auditor’s opinion: evidence from Iranian audit firms
Human Capital, Work Experience, Independent Auditors’ Opinion, Firm Size. -
This empirical research is aimed to explore the effect of Human Capital (HC) as a mediator in the association of the size of an audit firm and independent auditor’s opinion (IAO). The respondents of this research were senior practicing auditors of audit firms with verse experience. The research has applied ANCOVA and path analysis method in SEM by utilizing LISREL to examine research questions. The results of this study revealed that HC was significantly associated to independent auditor’s opinion and it can significantly create a relationship between audit firm size and IAO and their qualities. Indeed, the link of audit firm size on IAO without HC was found to be insignificant. Furthermore, it contributed to understand that the HC of large audit firm is greater than other audit firms and the audit reports of these kinds of firms possess good quality because of positive association amid firm size and quality of auditors.
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How to Cite
Naslmosavi, S., & Jahanzeb, A. (2016). The mediating role of human capital on the relationship between audit firm size and independent auditor’s opinion: evidence from Iranian audit firms. International Journal of Accounting and Economics Studies, 4(2), 102-108. date: 2016-05-20
Accepted date: 2016-06-16
Published date: 2016-06-27