International financial reporting standards (IFRS) adoption and oil & gas companies performance in Nigeria
Adoption IFRS, Firms’ Performance, Oil and Gas Companies, Reporting Regime. -
This study investigates the effect of IFRS adoption on the performance of oil and gas marketing companies in Nigeria. The study utilise financial statements of a sample of eight (8) oil and gas companies operating in the country. These companies were purposively selected due to availability of data. Firms’ performance was proxied by Profit Margin (PM), Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) ratios and were considered as dependent variables to be determined by reporting regime (RR) as independent variable. While Current Ratio (CR), quick Test (QT), Total Debt Ratio (TDR) Earnings per Share (EPS) and Equity Debt Ratio (EDR) are use as control variables. The ratios were computed and compared for 4 years (2010 to 2011) before mandatory IFRS adoption and 2012 to 2013 often mandatory adoption OLS, regression with help of eviews 9 was employed for the analysis. The study reveals IFRS adoption has not improved the performance of oil and gas companies in Nigeria. The paper recommended that, oil and gas companies should continue to comply with provisions of IFRS as it will improve their reporting quality which may also improve their performance as result of more investment flow, easy access to capital and comparability.
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How to Cite
Abdullahi, A., Abubakar, M. Y., & Ahmad, S. S. A. (2017). International financial reporting standards (IFRS) adoption and oil & gas companies performance in Nigeria. International Journal of Accounting and Economics Studies, 5(2), 146-149. date: 2017-08-09
Accepted date: 2017-09-20
Published date: 2017-09-29