Necessity and problems of formation of alternative paradigm of the development of accounting science
Accounting System, Post-industrial Society, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Strategic Accounting, Management System, Management Requests, Information Resources. -
The main research objective is to develop the theory of accounting for the conditions of forming post-industrial society solving research tasks, which concern the concept of accounting system of post-industrial type and the development of its main attributes. What will support the development of general theory and reveal accounting as a system of creating information resources at macro- and micro-levels. It will reflect the main principles and tasks of accounting in the light of modern development of economy, investigate the structure, elements and connections of the system, and define tasks, instruments and methods of each of subsystems of accounting.
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How to Cite
Semanyuk, V. (2017). Necessity and problems of formation of alternative paradigm of the development of accounting science. International Journal of Accounting and Economics Studies, 5(2), 169-172. date: 2017-09-06
Accepted date: 2017-09-29
Published date: 2017-11-21