Estimating elasticities of main consumption groups for Egypt : using cross sectional data
Consumer Price Index, Demand Analysis, Isur, La/Aids Model, Prices Elasticities. -
The paper analyzes the demand of main consumption groups in Egypt to extraction parameter estimates of these groups. The consumer demand studies in Egypt are limited especially in addressing the demand groups. This paper considers elasticities of main consumption groups by estimating the linear approximation almost ideal demand system (LA/AIDS) using cross-sectional data from the Egyptian 2012/2013 household income and expenditure and consumption survey (HIECS). The estimated model was done by the Iterated Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (ISUR) estimator with the homogeneity and symmetry constraints imposed. The principal findings indicated that the Marshallian own-price elasticities were negative for main groups except for health, transport, and restaurants and hotels while the signs of expenditure elasticities were positive that meaning all groups are normal or luxury groups.
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How to Cite
Rady, E.-H., & Kandil, S. (2017). Estimating elasticities of main consumption groups for Egypt : using cross sectional data. International Journal of Accounting and Economics Studies, 5(2), 173-178. date: 2017-10-16
Accepted date: 2017-11-23
Published date: 2017-11-29