Geochemistry of Garga-Sarali intrusive granitoids (central domain of the central African fold belt in Cameroon): petrological implication
2020-06-04 -
Geochemistry, Petrology, Granitoids, Shoshonitic, Garga Sarali. -
The Garga-Sarali granitoids outcrop in form of large slabs and undistorted large blocks, into a schisto-gneissic basement. These rocks contain mainly muscovite and microcline, followed by K-feldspar, quartz, biotite, pyroxene, zircon and oxides, with coarse-grained to fine-grained textures. Geochemical analysis show that it belongs to differentiated rocks group (granodiorite-granite) with high SiO2 (up to 72 wt%) contents. Their genesis was made from a process of partial melting and fractional crystallization. These rocks are classified as belonging to I- and S-Type, meta-peraluminous, shoshonitic granites; belonging to the domain of volcanic arcs. The rare earth elements patterns suggest a source enriched of incompatible elements. The Nb-Ta and Ti negative anomalies from the multi-element patterns are characteristics of the subduction domains.
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How to Cite
Isaac, D., Gbambie Isaac Bertrand, M., Ngounouno Fadimatou, Y., Mama, N., & Ismaïla, N. (2020). Geochemistry of Garga-Sarali intrusive granitoids (central domain of the central African fold belt in Cameroon): petrological implication. International Journal of Advanced Geosciences, 8(1), 33-40. date: 2020-03-25
Accepted date: 2020-05-07
Published date: 2020-06-04