Evaluation of seismic attributes for reservoir characterization over Edi field, Niger delta, Nigeria using 3d seismic data
2020-09-19 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijag.v8i2.31043
Acoustic Impedance, Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator, Faults, Horizons, Time Slice. -
Seismic attributes were evaluated over Edi field, offshore Western Niger Delta, Nigeria, via 3D seismic data. Manual mappings of the horizons and faults on the in-lines and cross-lines of the seismic sections were done. Various attributes were calculated and out put on four horizons corresponding to the well markers at different formations within the well were identified. The four horizons identified, which includes: H1, H2, H3 and H4 were mapped and interpreted across the field. The operational agenda was thru picking given faults segments on the in–line of seismic volume. A total of five faults coded as F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5, F1 and F5 were the major fault and were observed as extending through the field. Structural and horizon mappings were used to generate time structure maps. The maps showed the various positions and orientations of the faults. Different attributes which include: root mean square amplitude, instantaneous phase, gradient magnitude and chaos were run on the 3D seismic data. The amplitude and incline magnitude maps indicate direct hydrocarbon on the horizon maps; this is very important in the drilling of wells because it shows areas where hydrocarbons are present in the subsurface. The seismic attributes revealed information, which was not readily apparent in the raw seismic data.
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How to Cite
O. Etuk, N., U. Aka, M., A. Agbasi, O., & C. Ibuot, J. (2020). Evaluation of seismic attributes for reservoir characterization over Edi field, Niger delta, Nigeria using 3d seismic data. International Journal of Advanced Geosciences, 8(2), 168-172. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijag.v8i2.31043Received date: 2020-07-27
Accepted date: 2020-09-04
Published date: 2020-09-19