Seismic Inversion Techniques and Attribute Analysis for Accurate Well Placement in Offshore Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria
3D Static Model; Model-Based Inversion; Acoustic Impedance Cube; Rock Properties. -
Before this study, simple methods like seismic attribute analysis have often been used for reservoir characterization with successes however, there is still the need to reduce exploration uncertainty to a negligible level and boost investors’ confidence. This study integrated seismic inversion with seismic attribute analysis to better characterize the reservoirs in MTW Field in deep-offshore Niger Delta Basin. Five (5) wells with complete suite of petrophysical logs, three-Dimensional (3-D) seismic data, checkshot and other well information were used. The well data were thoroughly quality checked, reservoirs were litho-stratigraphically delineated and used for petrophysical analysis across the wells. This was followed by seismic-to- well-tie, seismic interpretation, and seismic attribute analysis (Root Mean Square-RMS) generated using depth surface maps. 3-D static reservoir model and volumetric evaluation were carried out. Petrophysical properties were derived and distributed across the 3-D static model using sequential gaussian simulation algorithm to ascertain shale volume spread across the model. To improve the seismic resolution and reduce interpretation uncertainty at greater depth, model- based post-stack seismic inversion was performed to obtain acoustic impedance cube. Litho-stratigraphic and petrophysical analysis result revealed five reservoir sands (A, B, C, D, and E). Reservoir-A was seen to be more viable with a thickness of 13.42 m, high effective porosity of 27%, permeability of 3187.53 mD, low water saturation of 34% and low shale volume of 11% which are indication good reservoir quality and producibility. The seismic interpretation revealed thirty-one (31) growth and antithetic faults oriented in the NE-SW and NW-SE directions, respectively. The RMS result revealed high amplitude reflectivity which is a measure of zone of interest. Based on this, seven (7) prospects and three (3) leads were identified. The seismic inversion result shows a high level of accuracy with a correlation coefficient of 0.997; 0.997; 0.995; and 0.996 in MTW-001, MTW-003ST1, MTW-004ST1 and MTW-005 wells, respectively. The acoustic impedance successfully resolved and improved on the resolution of the seismic stacking velocity especially at reservoir layers and at depth deeper than 3600 ms. Acoustic impedance as a layer property has improved on the lateral and vertical resolutions of the data beyond what the usual seismic interval velocity could image thus, validating some of the prospects and leads identified in this study. This demonstrated that uncertainty can be reduced by a blend of RMS and seismic inversion in identifying reservoir for accurate placement of wells. It is therefore recommended that E and P operators should adopt the technique in their future hydrocarbon exploration endeavor in frontier and matured basins.
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How to Cite
W. Moukassa , T. . (2024). Seismic Inversion Techniques and Attribute Analysis for Accurate Well Placement in Offshore Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria (J. . E. Asedegbega, S. A. Adekola, & A. Nwakanma , Trans.). International Journal of Advanced Geosciences, 12(2), 84-97.