General solution and generalized Ulam-Hyers stability of a generalized n- type additive quadratic functional equation in Banach space and Banach algebra: direct and fixed point methods
Additive Functional Equations, Quadratic Functional Equations, Mixed Type Functional Equations, Banach Space, Banach Algebra, Generalized Ulam-Hyers Stability, Fixed Point. -
In this paper, the authors introduce and investigate the general solution and generalized Ulam-Hyers stability of a generalized n-type additive-quadratic functional equation.
g(x + 2y; u + 2v) + g(x ô€€€ 2y; u ô€€€ 2v) = 4[g(x + y; u + v) + g(x ô€€€ y; u ô€€€ v)] ô€€€ 6g(x; u)
+ g(2y; 2v) + g(􀀀2y;􀀀2v) 􀀀 4g(y; v) 􀀀 4g(􀀀y;􀀀v)Where  is a positive integer with , in Banach Space and Banach Algebras using direct and fixed point methods.
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How to Cite
Murthy, S., Arunkumar, M., & Govindan, V. (2015). General solution and generalized Ulam-Hyers stability of a generalized n- type additive quadratic functional equation in Banach space and Banach algebra: direct and fixed point methods. International Journal of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, 3(1), 25-64.