E-Bayesian analysis of the Gumbel type-ii distribution under type-ii censored scheme

  • Authors

    • Hesham Reyad Lecture in EL Qassim University
    • Soha Othman Ahmed
  • E-Bayesian Estimates, Gumbel Type-II Distribution, Loss Functions, Monte Carlo Simulation, Type-II Censoring.
  • Abstract

    This paper seeks to focus on Bayesian and E-Bayesian estimation for the unknown shape parameter of the Gumbel type-II distribution based on type-II censored samples. These estimators are obtained under symmetric loss function [squared error loss (SELF))] and various asymmetric loss functions [LINEX loss function (LLF), Degroot loss function (DLF), Quadratic loss function (QLF) and minimum expected loss function (MELF)]. Comparisons between the E-Bayesian estimators with the associated Bayesian estimators are investigated through a simulation study.

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  • How to Cite

    Reyad, H., & Ahmed, S. O. (2015). E-Bayesian analysis of the Gumbel type-ii distribution under type-ii censored scheme. International Journal of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, 3(2), 108-120. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijams.v3i2.5093