E-Bayesian Estimation Based On Generalized Half Logistic Progressive Type-II Censored Data

  • Authors

    • Reza Azimi
    • Farhad Yaghmaei
  • Abstract

    In this paper, given a progressively type II censored sample from a generalized half logistic distribution, the Bayesian and E-Bayesian (expectation of the Bayesian estimate) estimators are obtained under LINEX and squared-error loss functions, for the parameter and reliability function. Monte Carlo simulation method is used to generate a progressive Type-II censored data from generalized half logistic distribution, then these data is used to compute the estimations of the parameter and compare both the methods used when different random schemes.
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  • How to Cite

    Azimi, R., & Yaghmaei, F. (2013). E-Bayesian Estimation Based On Generalized Half Logistic Progressive Type-II Censored Data. International Journal of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, 1(2), 56-63. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijams.v1i2.759