Fibonacci-Like Polynomials and Some Properties

  • Authors

    • Shikha Bhatnagar
    • Bijendra Singh
    • Omprakash Sikhwal
  • Abstract

    The Fibonacci and generalized Fibonacci polynomials are famous for possessing wonderful and amazing properties and identities. In this paper, we introduce Fibonacci-Like polynomials (FLP) and describe some properties. We obtain few properties by defined Fibonacci-Like polynomials - matrix. Further we establish few identities like Catalan’s, Cassini’s, d’Ocagne’s  through Binet’s formula and few identities  by using explicit summation formula which are related to hypergeometric functions of FLP.

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  • How to Cite

    Bhatnagar, S., Singh, B., & Sikhwal, O. (2013). Fibonacci-Like Polynomials and Some Properties. International Journal of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, 1(3), 152-157.