Effect of nursing teaching program on knowledge and self-management behaviors for patients with essential hypertension
2018-12-01 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijans.v7i2.15015
Essential Hypertension, Nursing Teaching Program. -
Background: Essential hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease (CVD), affecting about one billion individuals worldwide.
Aim of the study: was to evaluate the effect of nursing teaching program on knowledge and self-management behaviors for patients with essential hypertension. Study design; quasi-experimental research design was utilized to conduct this study.
Setting: The study was conducted in the internal medicine department and outpatient clinics at Assiut University Hospital.
Sample: Sixty adult patients of both sexes divided equally into 2 groups study and control group (thirty for each). Tools; four tools were used for data collection; Patients, assessment sheet, Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale (HK-LS), Hypertension Self-Management Be-havior Questionnaire (HSMBQ)†and Nursing Teaching Program. Results; the majority of the study and control groups were female (83.3%, 66.7%), married (80.0%, 86.7%), illiterate (66.7%, 60.0), and house wives (83.3%, 63.3%).
Conclusion: Nursing teaching program was effective in improving patients’ knowledge and self-management behaviors. Recommenda-tions; educational program should be planned and offered to patients on regular basis. Simple booklets should be available for patients to provide them with simple explanation about the disease.Â
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How to Cite
Abd Alaleam, S. H. A., Mohammad, Z. A. E.-L., El-dien, M. H., & Zaki Azer, S. (2018). Effect of nursing teaching program on knowledge and self-management behaviors for patients with essential hypertension. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 7(2), 123-128. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijans.v7i2.15015Received date: 2018-07-03
Accepted date: 2018-09-21
Published date: 2018-12-01