Effect of structured teaching guidelines on patient's knowledge, practice, and self-efficacy regarding colostomy care
2019-02-26 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijans.v8i1.16823 -
Guidelines, Knowledge, Practice, Self-Efficacy, Colostomy -
Background: nurses are primarily health professional who is engaged in the management of colostomized individuals who go through different physical and psychosocial transformations.
Aim: to evaluate the effect of applying structured teaching guidelines on patient's knowledge, practice, and self-efficacy regarding colostomy care.
Hypothesis: application of structured teaching guidelines will have a positive impact on patient's knowledge, practice, and self-efficacy regarding colostomy care. Design: pre-post analytic study.
Setting: the study was carried out in the surgical department, and outpatient clinic at Beni-Suef University hospital and Aswan oncology Hospital.
Sample: A total number of 50 adult patients, both sex, conscious, having a permanent colostomy
Tools: four tools were utilized in this study; Tool I: A structured interview questionnaire sheet which comprised two parts: Part I: Personal characteristics of the studied patients, Part II: Patients` knowledge about colostomy care; Tool II: Patient's Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale; Tool III: An observation checklist (pre/post /follow – up assessment) and Tool IV: The structured teaching Guidelines.
Results: There was a statistically significant distinction between both the study and control group regarding patient's knowledge, practice, and self-efficacy regarding colostomy care.
Conclusion: Application of the structured teaching guidelines had a positive impact on patient's knowledge, practice and self-efficacy regarding colostomy care with an obvious statistically significant distinction between pre and post-intervention.
Recommendations: Replication of the same study on larger probability sample at different geographical locations for data generalizability, and distribution of the booklet for patients with a colostomy to improve their outcomes.
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How to Cite
El-Sayead Shrief, S., & Mokhtar Mokhtar, I. (2019). Effect of structured teaching guidelines on patient’s knowledge, practice, and self-efficacy regarding colostomy care. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 8(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijans.v8i1.16823Received date: 2018-08-04
Accepted date: 2018-09-21
Published date: 2019-02-26