An assessment of knowledge and factors that exposed young female student nurses to hiv infection at the university of Namibia, oshakati campus
Assessment, Factors, Expose, Young, Female, Hiv Infection, Knowledge, Student Nurse. -
Background: This study presents an assessment of knowledge and an investigation of specific factors that expose young female student nurses to HIV and AIDS at university of Namibia, Oshakati Campus. The concern over to what young female student nurses are able to control various issues of their sexual lives is critical question for health promotion and the prevention of further HIV infection. Student nurses are believed to have adequate information about HIV and AIDS compared to other young people in the communities.
Aim: To assess HIV and AIDS knowledge levels and investigates factors that make young female nurses vulnerable to HIV infection at UNAM, Oshakati Campus
Method: A mixed-method approach was employed to collect the necessary data, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology. Qualitative data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire whereas qualitative data was gathered by means of focus group discussions. Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 18, and results from the focus group discussions were grouped into themes and subthemes and analyzed using thematic analysis. Random sampling with replacement technique namely, the fishbowl technique was used to select respondent and participants. This ensures equal and independent chance of being selected each time.
Results: Most respondents indicated to have adequate knowledge about HIV and AIDS and had positive attitude necessary to effect behavioral change and implementation of prevention and care strategies. Most respondents were aware of their risk factors and aspects that increased individual vulnerability to HIV and AIDS. While the knowledge and attitude were identified as adequate, the practices of the respondents did not explicit indicate adequate level of responsible behavior among the young female student nurses in the face of HIV and AIDS.
Conclusion: Student nurses identified HIV and AIDS as a problem of “others†and continue to report that infection would be an accidental exposure as a result of their profession or perceived powerless over sexual matters and income inequalities. Prevention remains a challenge in planning programs needed to address risky sexual behavior among students due to structural, social, socio-economic dynamics, individual circumstances, gender and biological vulnerability.
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How to Cite
Pinehas, L. N., & Uushona, S. I. (2016). An assessment of knowledge and factors that exposed young female student nurses to hiv infection at the university of Namibia, oshakati campus. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 5(2), 139-156. date: 2016-02-23
Accepted date: 2016-03-20
Published date: 2016-08-09