Relationship between learning style and readiness for self-directed learning among nursing students at king Saud university, Saudi Arabia
Learning Styles, Nursing Education, Nursing Students, Self-Directed Learning, Self-Directed Learning Readiness. -
Self-directed learning and other prevalent learning styles are important aspects of nursing education because they help nurse educators to predict differences in learners’ needs, abilities, and interests. Moreover, nurse educators depend on these predictors when they choose the most suitable teaching strategies, which enable them to manage adult learners effectively. This study’s objective is to explore the relationship between learning styles and the willingness to adopt self-directed learning among nursing students in King Saud University (KSU). Using a cross-sectional descriptive correlational design, the study was conducted with 230 undergraduate nursing students (female and male) from the third to eighth academic levels at the College of Nursing at KSU, Saudi Arabia. Kolb’s learning styles inventory and the self-directed learning readiness scale were adopted to determine the effects of the self-directed learning approach. The study’s findings suggested that the majority of nursing students had a “Diverging†style of learning. The “self-control†subscale was used to determine the willingness for self-directed learning. It recorded the highest mean score compared to the subscales of “self-management†and “desire for learning.†However, no statistically significant association was found between learning styles and self-directed learning readiness. Additionally, the findings showed that the majority of the students who participated in this study had little interest in the self-directed learning approach. Thus, this study recommends that the nursing faculty needs to assess students for their preferred learning style and readiness for self-directed learning before and throughout the students’ enrollment in the college. Further, the nursing faculty should apply a variety of teaching methods to manage students’ learning needs effectively.
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How to Cite
AbuAssi, N., & Alkorashy, H. (2016). Relationship between learning style and readiness for self-directed learning among nursing students at king Saud university, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 5(2), 109-116. date: 2016-03-11
Accepted date: 2016-04-11
Published date: 2016-06-01