Awareness among glaucoma patient at upper Egypt
Glaucoma, Awareness, Intraocular Pressure (IOP), Blindness, Optic Nerve, Risk Factor. -
Aim: To assess the awareness among glaucoma patients at Upper Egypt Governorate hospitals.
Research design: Descriptive cross sectional research design was used in this study
Setting: The study was conducted in ophthalmology outpatient clinics (male & female) at Assiut University Hospital & Al-rmad Hospital, Elmina and Sohag Governorate.
Subjects: The sample of this study total coverage of glaucoma patients included (1000), the researcher taking the sample during one year, this sample aged 50 years and above.
Tool of study: One tool was used in this study include three parts, part I: patient demographic characteristics, part II: medical data, part III: knowledge about risk factors and self-practice regard glaucoma.
Results: The most of patients age ranged between 60:80 year, nearly three quarter (74.6%) of them were females, and 80% of them comes from urban areas. The majority of studied sample (84.5%) unaware about glaucoma disease and show statistical significant difference between awareness of them and their education, P≤0.05. Also, there was no significant difference between knowledge of studied sample and their residence.
Conclusion: The majority of glaucoma patients complain from poor of knowledge & practice.
Recommendation: Design & implement of health educational program about glaucoma are needed to improve patient knowledge & practice regard glaucoma.
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How to Cite
A. M. Mansour, M., Abd El-aziz, N. M., Mekkawy, M., & M. Ahmed, R. (2016). Awareness among glaucoma patient at upper Egypt. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 5(2), 132-138. date: 2016-05-26
Accepted date: 2016-07-09
Published date: 2016-08-07