Logarithmic Ratio and Product-type Estimators of Population Mean
2019-11-21 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijasp.v7i2.26943 -
Auxiliary information, exponential, logarithmic, product, ratio estimators. -
Based on the natural logarithm of known population mean of an auxiliary
variable, x, the study introduces logarithmic ratio and product-type estimators
of the population mean of the study variable, y, in simple random sampling
without replacement (SRSWOR) scheme. Part of the eciency conditions for
the proposed logarithmic estimators to be more ecient than the existing ex-
ponential ratio and product-type estimators, as well as the customary ratio and
product-type estimators, is that the natural logarithm of the known population
mean of the auxiliary variable, x, must be greater than 2. Generally, there is a
high tendency for the proposed logarithmic estimators to be more ecient than
existing customary and exponential ratio and product-type estimators when
the natural logarithm of the auxiliary variable population mean is greater than
2. The theoretical results are illustrated and conrmed using some numerical
datasets. -
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Received date: 2019-01-31
Accepted date: 2019-04-18
Published date: 2019-11-21