Fitting a Gamma Distribution using a Chi-squared Approach to the Heights of Students of Akwa Ibom State University, Nigeria

  • Authors

    • Itoro Tim Michae Akwa Ibom State University
    • Anthony Effiong Usoro Akwa Ibom State University
    • Ikpang Nkereuwem Ikpang Akwa Ibom State University
    • Ekemini Udoudo George University of Lagos
    • David Ita Bassey Akwa Ibom State University
  • Chi-Square Test, Gamma Distribution, Heights of Students, Maximum Likelihood Estimates.
  • Abstract

    This paper fits a gamma probability model to the heights of Students of the Akwa Ibom State University. A sample of 998 Students was drawn from the Medical Centre of the Institution’s Main Campus, Ikot Akpaden, Akwa Ibom State. Some exploratory data analyses were carried out to observe the behavior of the data set graphically. A chi-square test is used to ascertain whether or not the heights of students are gamma distributed. From the graphical displays and the chi-squared test results, it is observed that the heights follow gamma distribution even though the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters are quite influential on the results at 𛼠≥ 0.01% significance level.



  • References

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  • Received date: 2019-09-03

    Accepted date: 2019-10-24

    Published date: 2019-11-17