Network analysis of countries’ partnership in European sports programs: Erasmus+ sport
2020-03-25 -
Cooperation, Erasmus , Indexes, Networks, Sports. -
In the present work, data analysis of Erasmus+ Sport programs was performed using Network Theory. Funding amounts and partner coun-tries per program are the information of the target data. Developing a Python-based program, a network of countries' partnerships has been developed to examine whether specific countries cooperate more frequently, and which countries participate in more Erasmus+ Sport pro-grams. Thus, some basic indicators of centrality from network theory were calculated, which are presented together with their mathematical interpretation.
It has also been studied whether the number of a country's participation in these programs is affected by its economic or social national characteristics. Specifically, GDP, happiness and education indexes are all examined if they affect a country's participation. Finally, given how the funding amount of a program is split between the partner countries, the total amount of funding received by each country for the period 2014-2018 was calculated.
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Received date: 2020-01-19
Accepted date: 2020-03-14
Published date: 2020-03-25