Analysis of Generalized Exponential Distribution Under Adaptive Type-II Progressive Hybrid Censored Competing Risks Data
2014-09-30 -
This paper presents estimates of the parameters based on adaptive type-II progressive hybrid censoring scheme (AT-II PHCS) in the presence of the competing risks model. We consider the competing risks have generalized exponential distributions (GED). The maximum likelihood method is used to derive point and asymptotic confidence intervals for the unknown parameters. The relative risks due to each cause of failure are investigated. A real data set is used to illustrate the theoretical results and to test the hypothesis that the causes of failure follow the generalized exponential distributions against the exponential distribution (ED).
Keywords: Competing Risks; Adaptive Type-II Progressive Hybrid Censoring; Generalized Exponential Distribution; Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
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Received date: 2014-08-22
Accepted date: 2014-09-22
Published date: 2014-09-30