Reliability test plan based on Dagum distribution
Acceptance sampling plan, Consumer and Producer’s risks, Dagum distribution, Truncated life test -
Apart from other probability models, Dagum distribution is also an effective probability distribution that can be considered for studying the lifetime of a product/material. Reliability test plans deal with sampling procedures in which items are put to test to decide from the life of the items to accept or reject a submitted lot. In the present study, a reliability test plan is proposed to determine the termination time of the experiment for a given sample size, producers risk and termination number when the quantity of interest follows Dagum distribution. In addition to that, a comparison between the proposed and the existing reliability test plans is carried out with respect to time of the experiment. In the end, an example illustrates the results of the proposed plan.
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Received date: 2016-04-26
Accepted date: 2016-05-24
Published date: 2016-05-25