Geometric interpretation of subjective probability: random numbers and objective conditions of coherence
2016-07-25 -
Convex Hull, Linear Dependence, Logical Dependence, Metric, Scalar Product. -
In the domain of the logic of certainty we study the objective notions of the subjective probability with the clear aim of identifying their fundamental characteristics before the assignment, by the individual, of the probabilistic evaluation: probability is an additional and subjective notion that one applies within the range of possibility, thus giving rise to those gradations, more or less probable, that are meaningless in the logic of certainty. When we study the criteria for evaluations under conditions of uncertainty and their corresponding conditions of coherence we show an inevitable dichotomy between the subjective or psychological aspect of probability and the objective or logical or geometrical one. The affine properties are the basis of essential concepts of probability theory and only they make sense, being independent of the choice of a coordinate system; however, the importance of the metric properties appears in order to represent random numbers and analytical conditions of coherence.
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Received date: 2016-05-28
Accepted date: 2016-07-09
Published date: 2016-07-25