Estimation and application in log-Fréchet regression model using censored data
2017-03-18 -
Fréchet Distribution, Regression Model, Censored Data, Maximum Likelihood, Jackknife Method, Residual Analysis. -
This article introduces a new location-scale regression model based on a log-Fréchet distribution. Maximum likelihood and Jackknife methods are used to estimate the new model parameters for censored data. Martingale and deviance residuals are obtained to check model assumptions, data validity, and detect outliers. Moreover, global influence is used to detect influential observations. Monte Carlo simulation study is provided to compare the performance of the maximum likelihood and jackknife estimators for different sample sizes and censoring percentages. The empirical distribution of the martingale and deviance residuals of the proposed model is examined. A real lifetime heart transplant data is analyzed under the log-Fréchet regression model to illustrate the satisfactory results of the proposed model.
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Received date: 2017-02-02
Accepted date: 2017-03-06
Published date: 2017-03-18