Characterization for Gompertz distribution based on general progressively type-II right censored order statistics

  • Authors

    • M. M. Mohie El-Din Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Egyptian Russian University, Cairo, Egypt
    • A. Sadek
    • Marwa M. Mohie El-Din
    • A. M. Sharawy
  • Characterization, Gompertz Distribution, General Progressively Type-II Right Censored Order Statistics, Recurrence Relations.
  • Abstract

    In this article, we establish recurrence relations for single and product moments based on general progressively Type-II right censored order statistics (GPTIICOS). Characterization for Gompertz distribution (GD) using relation between probability density function and distribution function is obtained. Moreover recurrence relations of single and product moments based on GPTIICOS are also used to characterize the distribution. Further, the results are specialized to the progressively Type-II right censored order statistics (PTIICOS).

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  • Received date: 2017-03-30

    Accepted date: 2017-05-04

    Published date: 2017-05-16