Composting process: a review
2016-07-31 -
Composting, Lignoprotein, Parameters, Organic matter, Biofertilizer. -
Composting is one of the important and economical method of recycling organic waste. Composting process involve a number of microbes. Composting have several benefits, it improves manure handling , possible saleable product , improves land application, weed seed and pathogen destruction by high temperature in compost pile, minimum risk of different pollution problems, perfect soil conditioner. Composting is a process in which biological breakdown of organic waste under different controlled conditions takes place.
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How to Cite
Raza, S., & Ahmad, J. (2016). Composting process: a review. International Journal of Biological Research, 4(2), 102-104. date: 2016-06-14
Accepted date: 2016-07-09
Published date: 2016-07-31