Central giant cell granuloma of mandible: a case report
2024-11-07 https://doi.org/10.14419/bbe59f70
Central Giant Cell Granuloma(CGCG); Giant Cell Lesion; Giant Cell Tumour; Multilocular Lesions. -
Central Giant Cell Granuloma(CGCG) and giant cell tumour of jawbone are grouped underneath same umbrella but with distinct clinical behavior. CGCG is a rare benign lesion of the jaws distinguish by the presence of multinucleated giant cells within a fibrous stroma. The pathogenicity of CGCG still remains an enigma, which demands the differentiation from other look-alike lesions in order to have proper diagnosis and treatment planning. In this article, a case of CGCG in a 30-year-old female patient who presented with complaints of gradually increasing swelling and discomfort in the mandible is described.
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How to Cite
Jaishri Pagare , D., & Gayatri Kale , D. (2024). Central giant cell granuloma of mandible: a case report. International Journal of Dental Research, 10(2), 20-23. https://doi.org/10.14419/bbe59f70