Papillon lefevre syndrome- An imperative role of periodontist
Papillon Lefevre Syndrome, Periodontist, Socket Preservation -
Papillon Lefevre syndrome (PLS) is a rarely encountered disorder that shows autosomal recessive inheritance. Clinically, it exhibits hyperkeratotic plaques on palmar plantar surfaces, severe periodontal loss and precocious shedding of primary as well as permanent dentition. The reason for this exceptional clinical presentation is vague and speculative. We are reporting one such case of a 23year old female patient.
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How to Cite
Santha Kumari, P., Satheesh Kumar, G., Santhi priya, P., Durga Bai, Y., & dathar, S. (2016). Papillon lefevre syndrome- An imperative role of periodontist. International Journal of Dental Research, 4(1), 5-7. date: 2016-01-04
Accepted date: 2016-01-28
Published date: 2016-02-03