Evaluation of patient’s perception and experience towards anterior microimplants for intrusion: A questionnaire study

  • Authors

    • Dave Chinmay K. M. Shah Dental College
    • Vaghani Bhavnit
    • Patel Kartik
    • Santosh Goje
    • Purvesh Shah
    • Bhumi Modi
  • Anterior microimplant, perception and experience, questionnaire study
  • Abstract

    Introduction: Implants have gained popularity in orthodontics because they facilitate maximum anchorage with minimum patient    cooperation. However, some orthodontists avoid using implants because perception and experience of patients towards such anchorage systems is questionable and is not been fully reported.

    Aim and objectives: To evaluate the patient’s perception and experience towards the treatment with anterior microimplants for intrusion of anterior teeth using questionnaire.

    Materials and methods: After considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria, Participants who are undergoing orthodontic treatment with anterior implants for the intrusion of the maxillary anterior teeth was selected for the study. Questionnaire which was validated from ten respondents and subject experts will be given to each participant and asked to fill it. After collection of filled questionnaire, all the data was subjected to statistical analysis.

    Results: Most of the patients had enough confidence on their orthodontist and did not think to take a second opinion when an anterior implant was recommended. Majority of the patients were concerned to know regarding advantages and disadvantages of anterior       microimplant and inquired about the time for the placement of anterior microimplant. More patients were worried about how long the anterior microimplant will remain inserted in their mouth and had fear of local anesthesia. On loading of microimplant, most of the   patients felt pressure at the implant and few felt pain.

    Conclusion: The procedure was pleasant and comfortable for large number of patients and they did not felt pain after placement of   anterior microimplant. Majority of the patients were satisfied with the treatment and would recommend it to other patients. Highest   number of patients got used to the anterior implant by day 7 followed by day 15. An average acceptable time period for the anterior   microimplant was 12 months. The overall perception and experience by the patients to the placement of anterior microimplant can be rated as expected and good.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Chinmay, D., Bhavnit, V., Kartik, P., Goje, S., Shah, P., & Modi, B. (2017). Evaluation of patient’s perception and experience towards anterior microimplants for intrusion: A questionnaire study. International Journal of Dental Research, 5(2), 152-156. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijdr.v5i2.8011

    Received date: 2017-06-18

    Accepted date: 2017-08-07

    Published date: 2017-08-26