An novel cluster based feature selection and document classification model on high dimension trec data

  • Authors

    • Lalitha Kumari
    • Ch. Satyanarayana
  • TREC Datasets, Information Retrieval, Document Clustering And Classification.
  • Abstract

    TREC text documents are complex to analyze the features its relevant similar documents using the traditional document similarity measures. As the size of the TREC repository is increasing, finding relevant clustered documents from a large collection of unstructured documents is a challenging task. Traditional document similarity and classification models are implemented on homogeneous TREC data to find essential features for document entities that are similar to the TREC documents. Also, most of the traditional models are applicable to limited text document sets for text analysis. The main issues in the traditional text mining models in TREC repository include :1) Each document is represented in vector form with many sparsity values 2) Failed to find the  document semantic similarity between the intra and inter clusters 3) High mean squared error rate. In this paper, novel feature selection based clustered and classification model is proposed on large number of different TREC repositories. Traditional latent Semantic Indexing and document clustering models are failed to find the topic relevance on large number of TREC clinical text document sets due to computational memory and time. Proposed document feature selection and clustered based classification model is applied on TREC clinical benchmark datasets. From the experimental results, it is proved that the proposed model is efficient than the existing models in terms of computational memory, accuracy and error rate are concerned.

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  • How to Cite

    Kumari, L., & Satyanarayana, C. (2017). An novel cluster based feature selection and document classification model on high dimension trec data. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.1), 466-471.

    Received date: 2018-03-14

    Accepted date: 2018-03-14

    Published date: 2017-12-21