Studies on Effect of Temperature on Asphaltene precipitation using Multi Stage Extraction

  • Authors

    • Kethineni Chandrika
    • N Sampath
    • Jobin V J
    • E Seetha Ramaiah
    • Vishnu Vipin
    • Choragudi S F
  • Asphaltenes, Single stage extraction, Multi stage extraction, Extraction time, Yield.
  • Abstract

    In the case of asphaltene extraction, single stage extraction given a maximum yield at 30°c with the sample to solvent ratio of 1:25. The time taken for the extraction process is 24 hours. In the case of long step extraction process its sample to ratio is 1:4. When the temperature increased in the process the yield also started increasing. The maximum yield we could get in the temperature range of 30°c to 50°c. It is possible to reduce the extraction time by increasing the temperature and it gives a good yield of asphaltene with the usage of multistage process. It increased the asphaltene presence about 69% in the solvent. The asphaltene yield at 30°c give raise an extraction of 85% in a six-stage extraction process. It is possible to get the same extraction percentage in a temperature of 50°c with three stage extraction process.



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  • How to Cite

    Chandrika, K., Sampath, N., V J, J., Seetha Ramaiah, E., Vipin, V., & S F, C. (2017). Studies on Effect of Temperature on Asphaltene precipitation using Multi Stage Extraction. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.1), 599-602.

    Received date: 2018-03-29

    Accepted date: 2018-03-29

    Published date: 2017-12-21