The effect of thermal cycling on the mechanical properties of jute fiber reinforced by E-glass fiber composites
E-glass, Jute fiber, UVB lamp, opacity test, SEM. -
This work researches the mechanical, aging and opacity properties of jute fiber reinforced by E-glass fiber by hybrid composites. The detrimental impacts of climate conditions are reproduced and they are used to anticipate the longevity of materials utilized outside. Rain and humidity are additionally be reenacted with a buildup framework and additionally water splash. The harming impacts of daylight are reproduced by UV-fluorescent lights. UVB light ranges from 280-315 nm are conveyed to uncover in hybrid composite and varieties in tensile tests are resolved for 50, 75 and 100 hrs. The mechanical properties as an element of fortification substance are influenced which are reflected in the estimations of the ductile modulus and quality and also affect protection and hardness. Including mechanical properties, opacity test is conducted before and after exposure to ultraviolet radiation and surface morphology is studied
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How to Cite
Sudhabindu, B., P.V. Ramarao, D., & C. Uday Kiran, D. (2017). The effect of thermal cycling on the mechanical properties of jute fiber reinforced by E-glass fiber composites. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.1), 635-637. date: 2018-03-29
Accepted date: 2018-03-29
Published date: 2017-12-21