Image Pre-Processing Algorithm for Ficus deltoidea Jack (Moraceae) Varietal Recognition: A Repeated Perpendicular Line Scanning Approach
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Published date: 2018-04-06
Ficus deltoidea Jack, image pre-processing, image processing, leaf recognition, plant species recognition. -
Image pre-processing task is always the first crucial step in plant species recognition system which is responsible to keep precision of feature measurement process. Some of researchers have developed the image pre-processing algorithm to remove petiole section. However, the algorithm was developed using semi-automatic algorithm which is strongly believed to give an inaccurate feature measurement. In this paper, a new technique of automatic petiole section removal is proposed based on repeated perpendicular petiole length scanning concept. Four phases of petiole removal technique involved are: i) binary image enhancement, ii) boundary binary image contour tracing, iii) petiole section scanning, and iv) optimal image size retaining and cropping. The experiments are conducted using six varieties of Ficus deltoidea Jack (Moraceae) leaves. The experimental results indicate that the segmentation results are acceptably good since the digital leaf images have less than 1% of segmentation errors on several ground truth images.
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How to Cite
Fakhri Ab. Nasir, A., Nordin A Rahman, M., Mat, N., Rasid Mamat, A., & Shahrizan Abdul Ghani, A. (2018). Image Pre-Processing Algorithm for Ficus deltoidea Jack (Moraceae) Varietal Recognition: A Repeated Perpendicular Line Scanning Approach. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.15), 49-53. date: 2018-04-06
Accepted date: 2018-04-06
Published date: 2018-04-06