Quality based drip drag match data collection in wireless sensor network
Wireless Sensor Network, Data Collection, Equidistant, Neighbourhood. -
Although data collection has received much attention by effectively minimizing delay, computational complexity and increasing the total data transmitted, the transience of sensor nodes for multiple data collection of sensed node in wireless sensor network (WSN) renders quality of service a great challenge. To circumvent transience of sensor nodes for multiple data collection, Quality based Drip-Drag-Match Data Collection (QDDM-DC) scheme have been proposed. In Drip-Drag-Match data collection scheme, initially dripping of data is done on the sink by applying Equidistant-based Optimum Communication Path from the sensor nodes which reduces the data loss. Next the drag operation pulls out the required sensed data using Neighbourhood-based model from multiple locations to reduce the delay for storage. Finally, the matching operation, compares the sensed data received by the dragging operation to that of the corresponding sender sensor node (drip stage) and stores the sensed data accurately which in turn improves the throughput and quality of data collection. Simulation is carried for the QDDM-DC scheme with multiple scenarios (size of data, number of sinks, storage capacity) in WSN with both random and deterministic models. Simulation results show that QDDM-DC provides better performance than other data collection schemes, especially with high throughput, ensuring minimum delay and data loss for effective multiple data collection of sensed data in WSN.
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How to Cite
Jayaraj, V., & Alonshia, S. (2017). Quality based drip drag match data collection in wireless sensor network. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.1), 426-430. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i1.1.11240Received date: 2018-04-07
Accepted date: 2018-04-07