Design and Development of Shunt Active Filter Using MATLAB for Minimization of Harmonics
Shunt active Power Filter, PQ Theory, Harmonics, Non Linear Load. -
Nonlinear loads draw non sinusoidal current and voltage from the utility. These non-sinusoidal current and voltages created due to nonlinear loads are called harmonics. The harmonic voltage and current disturbs the system back and creates big power quality problem. Therefore in order to mitigate harmonic problems different mechanisms are used. In this work as introduction different power quality problems, harmonics and their mitigation techniques/filters are presented and discussed. Between the different ways to minimize/eliminate harmonics active power filters are most Prominent one. This research work presents three phase system shunt active power filter working based on PQ theory. MATLAB simulation used and results are discussed.
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How to Cite
Samikannu, R., Rohini, R., Sampath Kumar, V., & Mezhuyev, V. (2018). Design and Development of Shunt Active Filter Using MATLAB for Minimization of Harmonics. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.10), 179-183. date: 2018-07-14
Accepted date: 2018-07-14
Published date: 2018-07-15