Comparative Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Composite facing Materials "Ceramage" and "Ultraglass"
inear thermal expansion coefficient, physical and mechanical characteristics, facing composite material, «ultra glass», «vladmiva». -
In the oral cavity, mechanical loading and exposure to temperature leads to deformation of the frameworks of fixed prostheses and lining materials ensuring the proper level of their aesthetics. The increase of the isotropy of the material of the framework of a fixed prosthesis and the material that is facing it is one of the urgent problems in the field of orthopedic dentistry. In this paper, the linear thermal expansion coefficients (LTEC) of the facing materials “Ceramage Opaque Dentinâ€, “Ceramage Incisalâ€, produced by the Japanese company “Shofuâ€, and those of “UltraGlass†of the Russian firm “VladMiVa†were studied. The values of LTEC of facing materials were correlated with LTEC of cobalt-chromium alloy, used for making the frameworks of fixed prostheses. A comparative evaluation of the compressive strength, flexural strength, and modulus of elasticity of the specified composite materials used for facing the frameworks of fixed prostheses was also carried out.  -
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How to Cite
V. Tscymbalystov, A., A. Kopytov Roman I. Asadov, A., V. Kapranov, V., P Ryzhova, I., & ., . (2018). Comparative Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Composite facing Materials "Ceramage" and "Ultraglass". International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.36), 530-532. date: 2018-12-16
Accepted date: 2018-12-16
Published date: 2018-12-09