Model E-learning MDP for Learning Style Detection Using Prior Knowledge
Dectecting Learning Style, Prior Knowledge, VARK. -
The Learning Style Detection model in e-learning systems is experiencing rapid development. This development is characterized by the existence of two learning style detection approaches namely automatic and conventional. The development of detection of automatic and conventional learning styles that exist today does not pay attention to the relationship of learning styles with prior knowledge. This is important to note because the style of learning is not static and tends to be dynamic depending on the topic of learning. This study builds the VARK MDP learning style detection model. It explores the relationship between learning styles with prior knowledge as evidenced by experiments on 32 learners. There are three steps taken: Measurement Prior Knowledge, Determine Prior Knowledge, Preference Learning Style. To evaluate this model we built detection scenarios with prior knowledge and compared with the results of interviews based on VARK learning style questionnaire. This study succeeded in building a model of measurement of prior knowledge that is more accurate than the previous model. Detection results also show that every learner does not only have one learning style and changes according to the topic.
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How to Cite
Said Hasibuan, M., Edi Nugroho, L., & Insap Santosa, P. (2018). Model E-learning MDP for Learning Style Detection Using Prior Knowledge. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.40), 118-122. date: 2018-12-19
Accepted date: 2018-12-19
Published date: 2018-12-16