Numerical Modeling of Epoxidation Palm Kernel Oil Based Oleic Acid

  • Authors

    • Aliff Farhan Mohd Yamin
    • Mohd Jumain Jalil
    • Iqbal Adnan
    • Adnan Gloria Vsiduru
  • Matlab, Epoxidation, Kinetic, Vegetable Oil, Reaction Rate
  • Abstract

    The epoxidized of vegetable oil is one of the important chemical processes to produce commercial goods such as plastics, lubricants, and paints. A good kinetic model is necessary to predict the process outcome, especially for the big scale productions in which very helpful in predicting the actual production. In this study, the kinetic model of the epoxidation process of palm kernel oil was investigated. The kinetic model was developed based on the laboratory works done by Jumain [1]. The mathematical model was established and implements into the MATLAB by integrating numerically using a fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The reaction rates parameters denote as k11, k12, k13, and k22 were then estimated using the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm until the convergence values obtained. After 100 increments, the reaction rates parameters are k11 = 0.1875 mol/L.min, k12 = 0.9997 mol/L.min, k21 = 0.0625 mol/L.min and k22 = 0.0000 mol/L with an absolute error of 0.0857. Good agreement was found between experiment and simulation. Based on the converged kinetic values, the evolution of the concentration for all the species was simulated. After the end of the simulations, the computed concentration of the epoxide is approximately 1.5169 mol/L.


  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Farhan Mohd Yamin, A., Jumain Jalil, M., Adnan, I., & Gloria Vsiduru, A. (2018). Numerical Modeling of Epoxidation Palm Kernel Oil Based Oleic Acid. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.40), 123-126.

    Received date: 2018-12-19

    Accepted date: 2018-12-19

    Published date: 2018-12-16