Data analysis using representation theory and clustering algorithms

  • Authors

    • Suboh Alkhushayni Minnesota State University Mankato
    • Taeyoung Choi Minnesota State University Mankato
    • Du'a Alzaleq Minnesota State University Mankato
  • Representation Theory, Data Analysis, Persistence Homology, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, K-Means, Cosine Distance, Manhattan Distance, Minkowski Distance, Single Cluster, Complete Cluster, Average Cluster.
  • Abstract

    This work aims to expand the knowledge of the area of data analysis through persistence homology and representations of directed graphs. To be specific, we looked for how we can analyze homology cluster groups using agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering algorithms and methods. Additionally, the Wine data, which is offered in R studio, was analyzed using various cluster algorithms such as Hierarchical Clustering, K-Means Clustering, and PAM Clustering. The goal of the analysis was to find out which cluster's method is proper for a given numerical dataset. We tried to find the agglomerative hierarchical clustering method by testing the data that will be the optimal clustering algorithm among these three; K-Means, PAM, and Random Forest methods.


    By comparing each model's accuracy value with cultivar coefficients, we concluded that K-Means methods are the most helpful when working with numerical variables. On the other hand, PAM clustering and Gower with Random Forest are the most beneficial approaches when using categorical variables. These tests can determine the optimal number of clustering groups, given the data set, and by doing the proper analysis. Using those the project, we can apply our method to several industrial areas such that clinical, business, and others. For example, people can make different groups based on each patient who has a common disease, required therapy, and other things in the clinical society. Additionally, people can expect to get several clustered groups based on the marginal profit, marginal cost, or other economic indicators for the business area.

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  • How to Cite

    Alkhushayni, S., Choi, T., & Alzaleq, D. (2020). Data analysis using representation theory and clustering algorithms. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 9(4), 887-899.

    Received date: 2020-10-25

    Accepted date: 2020-11-24

    Published date: 2020-12-18