Generator reactive power pricing for practical utility system using power flow tracing method
Ancillary Services, Capability Curve, Opportunity Cost, Power Flow Tracing, Reactive Power Pricing. -
The shift from regulated to restructured power system results in an increased competition among the electricity market. In restructured power system, the separation of transmission services from generation and distribution makes it necessary to find the contribution of power from individual generator to individual load. The power flow tracing method is used to obtain the generator power output to a particular load. The reactive power has to be maintained in order to sustain the voltage level throughout the system for reliable and secure operation. Hence the reactive power cost allocation has become imperative in the power system. In this paper, the tracing method is integrated with the optimal reactive power dispatch problem to trace the generator minimal reactive power for sustaining the real power transaction and enhancing the system security by meeting the demand. The Differential Evolution is used for optimal reactive power dispatch. The cost allocation to the generators for the reactive power service based on the opportunity cost method is obtained for 62 Bus Indian Utility Systems.
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How to Cite
D, D., S, K., & R, G. (2018). Generator reactive power pricing for practical utility system using power flow tracing method. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.8), 20-25. date: 2018-02-09
Accepted date: 2018-02-09
Published date: 2018-02-09