Design of CPW fed f-shaped circularly polarized antenna for amateur radio vehicular communications

  • Authors

    • T V. Ramakrishna
    • B T.P. Madhav
    • D Amulya
    • S Sumitra
    • A Sai Kumar
    • M Rohit
    • T Anilkumar
  • Amateur Radio, Asymmetric Ground, Axial Ratio (AR), Circular Polarization, Closed CPW Ground, F-Shaped Monopole.
  • Abstract

    In this paper a compact circularly polarized antenna is proposed to operate in X-band spectrum. The F-shaped monopole element is used as the radiating structure and the closed coplanar-waveguide ground is used on a FR4 substrate. The proposed feeding mechanism with asymmetric ground planes and the three rectangular strips connected to the feed line. The proposed antenna operates with a -10dB reflection coefficient bandwidth from 9.3 GHz to 13 GHz and the circular polarized performance is attained from 9.8 GHz – 11.2 GHz with axial ratio less than 3dB (AR < 3dB). The antenna gain in the boresight direction is found to be achieved as 4.34dB and radiates with a maximum efficiency of 90% which is suited for amateur radio applications in X-band spectrum based vehicular communications.

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  • How to Cite

    V. Ramakrishna, T., T.P. Madhav, B., Amulya, D., Sumitra, S., Sai Kumar, A., Rohit, M., & Anilkumar, T. (2017). Design of CPW fed f-shaped circularly polarized antenna for amateur radio vehicular communications. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.1), 360-365.

    Received date: 2018-03-04

    Accepted date: 2018-03-04

    Published date: 2017-12-21